Do you ❤️ Halifax? Then Help Stop Robie Street Widening!

FHC has learned HRM intends to demolish the last historic neighbourhood on Robie St. It plans to spend $73m to expropriate land, destroy dozens of affordable units & cut ~80 trees to add a bus lane. (Premier Houston’s government is giving $18m to purchase/demolish 10 buildings.) Even for public transit, road widening won’t reduce traffic. Instead of  wrecking a uniquely diverse, affordable community, a proven solution is signalized lane changes (i.e. MacDonald Bridge or Chebucto Road). In a housing and a climate crisis, destroying affordable homes & cutitng street trees is a bad idea. HRM’s budget gap is $69m. Write Mayor/Council to save $73m AND Stop the Robie Street widening: Info below:

Poster to print: Top image: The last historic neighbourhood on Robie Street looking from Charles to North St. (3-lanes) Lower image: Robie St viewed north of North Street. (4-lanes)

Write HRM Mayor & Council to let them know that...
*Wider Roads Make Worse Cities
*Even for public transportation, wider roads won’t reduce traffic.

*Citizens don’t support demolitions or widening Robie St.
*Public money should not be used to destroy a unique neighbourhood of First Nations, youth shelters, co-ops, heritage, affordable housing, business.
*The 80 historic trees slow traffic, calm drivers, clean air, reduce noise, give shade & beauty. They need protection.
*The budget costs at $73m is too much & skyrocketing.

*Cheap & proven options- time of day lane changes like Chebucto Rd & MacDonald Bridge can save money.
*Savings can be used for buses, ferries, drivers, lower fares, public safety.
*Our new Council can legally reverse the last council’s plan.
Please let friends & neighbours know. Ask them to write council c/o, post on social media, print & distribute our poster. The pictures tells it all.
Keep us informed.