This 2024 FHC April letter to Parks Canada copy.pages summarizes concerns over and options to halt the paving of Garrison Ground. Unfortunately Parks Canada agreed to the provincial Department of Health’s request for parking expansion. The QEII hospital redevelopment team ignored the health, social, cultural, economic value of protecting and expanding green space. It ignored the health, climate and environmental cost of expanding support for private vehicles. There was sufficient lead time to pursue available, proven better options for staff, patient and public transportation. As Premier Houston has promised parking for the hospitals will be free, the $8million revenue stream for the QEII Foundation will be paid with public tax dollars. Its unclear how Parks Canada will make money. Spending public health care dollars to pave public space and expand parking is not a solution for transportation or our future.
Tag Archives: Garrison Ground
(April 7) FHC to Minister Guilbeault – Do Not Pave Halifax Citadel’s Garrison Ground for Parking
“It is completely unacceptable that you as Minister of Environment and Climate Change, or a department of your government would contemplate such a thing as paving green space for expanding parking given its health, social, cultural, historic, environmental importance and negative impact on these. Or support the ongoing destruction of our environment. Do not permit the paving of the Garrison Ground. Please work to ensure that this plan does not proceed.” Details:
2024 FHC letter Guilbeault, Paving Garrrison Ground copy.pages
Todd Veinotte Asks FHC About Paving the Garrison Ground for Healthcare Parking
To help you, please see the list of concerns below Todd’s pic.
Below are some concerns to mention in your email
Halifax Common Master Plan Approval Delayed by HRM Standing Committee
HRM’s Community and Economic Development Standing Committee met on Wednesday, Dec 8, and agreed to delay approving the Halifax Common Master Plan just released on Friday, December 3, 2021. FHC’s Howard Epstein and Alan Ruffman were among several speakers and concerned groups including the Halifax Lancers These speakers asked that the draft Plan not go forward to HRM Council until an appropriate review of the lengthy (496 pp) document could take place. Thank you to the many who wrote to ask for the delay.
Howard Epstein, presented on behalf of FHC as follows:
Submission to HRM Community Planning and Economic Development Standing Committee, Re: Halifax Common Master Plan
Proposal—Friends of Halifax Common asks that the Committee refer the draft Master Plan back to HRM staff to conduct further public consultations and receive comments, over a period of at least two months. There are three main reasons for this: Continue reading
Parks Canada Paves Garrison Grounds
Work has begun by Parks Canada to pave the parking lots on the Garrison Grounds in anticipation of meeting more demand for parking and having more concerts.
Choosing to asphalt the Garrison Ground parking lots is really a vote against heritage, the environment, the health benefits of public open space and a vote for the car. As with widening roads, increasing parking capacity is short sighted. All it really does is create more demand.
People come from all around the world to visit Citadel Hill, a designated national heritage site-they don’t come to see new parking lots freshly asphalted. FHC had a meeting with Parks Canada officials about the decision to pave the Garrison Grounds. We were left with the impression that they had not done enough homework before making their decision.
Some examples: There was … Continue reading