Halifax- In support of 350.org, International Day of Climate Action, Friends of Halifax Common
are inviting the public to volunteer to help them in drawing a chalk line around the entire perimeter of the original Common. Join them on Friday October 23rd from 12-2 p.m.
Less than 1/3 of the Halifax Common’s original 235 acres granted in 1763 by King George III is public open space.
“Our vanishing Halifax Common is a metaphor for the disappearance of our global Common, most urgently our atmosphere & climate” said Sheila Hunt of the Friends. “Our air, water, and land – the common heritage of all people – are being degraded. How we choose to deal with the finite natural resources of our planet has lasting repercussions for future generations.”
Volunteers will be supplied with chalk at meeting points around the Common and asked to use their imagination to illustrate the border of the Common with drawings of sheep & cows, cabbage & corn or words to encourage governments to act on climate change.
“Without truly reducing our reliance on fossil fuels we will continue to put the entire global common at risk,” said Gretchen Fitzgerald, Executive Director of the Sierra Club of Canada, Atlantic Chapter. “We hope this early action to re-define the Common will bring attention to the International Day of Climate Action. The website, www.390.org has information on what people and communities are doing worldwide.”
Meeting points for volunteers to get chalk and directions are: Robie St. at Cunard, Jubilee or University; South Park St. at South or Spring Garden Rd.; Bell Rd. across from the Bengal Lancers and North Park St. at Cogswell.
Click here for a map of the commons
Information on October 24th International Day of Climate Action: www.350.org
Sign the Kyotoplus petition: https://kyotoplus.ca/>https://kyotoplus.ca
Join www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=148640510791
For more information contact (en francais aussi)
Peggy Cameron, FHC co-chair and Executive: 902-492-4372