Background: Nova Scotia’s Provincial government plans to build a 7-storey parking garage on the Halifax Common for $30 million, on lands on the south side of the Nova Scotia Museum on Summer Street. This is because it intends to demolish the Halifax Infirmary’s existing parking garage (<20 years old) near the Robie Street entrance to the Halifax Infirmary.
The Province can only do this if HRM sells part of the Halifax Common as at present the Province owns only 60% of the land required for the proposed parking garage. The proposed parking garage would go against the Halifax Common Plan, negatively impact the Bengal Lancers, the Halifax Wanderers Grounds, the Halifax Lawn Bowlers and disrupt the 99-year old right-of-way between Summer Street and Bell Road.
The province also intends to build a new steam/power plant on the north side of the Nova Scotia Museum between Summer St. and Bell Road.
Friends of Halifax Common will be petitioning the NS provincial and HRM municipal governments to not build the proposed parking garage and steam plant on the Nova Scotia Museum property and to protect the Halifax Common. Please show your support by signing the on-line petition found here— Thank you.
Petition to the Nova Scotia Provincial and HRM Municipal Governments: We the undersigned hereby petition Premier Steven McNeil and Members of the Nova Scotia Legislature along with Mayor Michael Savage and Halifax Regional Municipality Councillors to:
1. Make public all proposed plans for the entire expansion of the QE2 hospital (both the Halifax Infirmary and Victoria General) including its associated parking, power plant and other encroachments, as well as all anticipated costs and then schedule public consultations.
2. Do not allow expansion of any components of the Halifax Infirmary to the east side (Natural History Museum side) of Summer St., rather keep all expansion of the facility to the land assembly (21.5 acres) currently held by the Province to the west side (Hospital side) of Summer St that includes the former Queen Elizabeth High School and CBC TV properties.
3. HRM should commit to not selling any additional parcels of Halifax Common, and Council should seek legislation from the Province that will give legislative protection to the Halifax Common such as is currently given to the Dartmouth Common.
4. In light of the very significant negative economic and environmental effects of demolition and rebuilding, the province should revisit its plan to not keep the present Robie Street parking facility and retain it instead.
The link to the on-line petition is here —
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