A round of applause in gratitude to the 500+ citizens who asked the Mayor and Council Plan for All Citizens by making changes to the Centre Plan before adopting it. Unfortunately they voted unanimously to approve the Plan on Tuesday October 26th, 2021)) . How sad that they ignored our ask for better options to be included in the Plan. These were that it…
- Protect and create affordable housing;
- Create 3-D models for public consultation in advance of adopting the Plan;
- Reduce demolitions – promote renovation and in-fill for distributed density;
- Reduce ‘extreme’ densification by lowering proposed building heights in Corridors, Targeted Growth Areas etc.;
- Create and protect public parks – we need public open space!
- Tackle the climate crisis with carbon budgets for all building/construction & operations;
- Require public amenities such as daycares, community centres, recreational facilities etc.
Be proud that you are on the public record as a person that supports a plan with a vision. We hope you’ll continue to ask the Mayor and Council to amend the plan and create more balance between the interests of society and thoes of private developers.
Let others know https://www.facebook.com/pg/halifaxcommon/posts/