Please attend this important meeting and make comments on the 19 proposed developments…
Most of the 19 proposals are for highrises that break existing height restrictions and are out-of -scale with neighbourhoods. They’ll cause dozens of affordable small-scale, mixed-use residential units, commercial spaces & historic houses to be demolished. This will harm Halifax’s Common in various ways. Examples are:
- 13 storey on Robie, Cunard – Compton
- 14 storey on Robie St, Pepperell – Shirley
- 16 & 30 storey on Spring Garden Rd & Robie west of Carlton
- 20 & 26 storey on College & Robie St west of Carlton
These planning amendments that will lead to development agreement applications are being considered prior to the adoption of the Centre Plan (which will bring in new regulations and planning guides) and as such, are unconsidered and uncontrolled last-minute attempts to circumvent the process before the plan comes into place!
Since 2010, HRM Planning staff have worked on 179 development agreements that have been breaking existing HRM construction regulations. Instead if working on the Centre Plan, the attention of City Staff has been divided between these ‘special applications’ that are unnecessarily using up staff time and money and pre-empting plans for future land use and design for HRM’s building.
“Exceptional” projects are creating tension between some developers that break the rules and citizens who don’t what out-of-scale projects.
These developers must be asked to wait until the Centre Plan is in place and we have time to consider that there are many buildings of great value at stake here.
Its time to say no to special treatment for developers who want exceptional development approvals and to demand that the city develop specific criteria for controlling when demolition permits may be issued.
Wednesday, December 7th at the Atlantica Hotel
from 12–2pm and again
from 6–8 pm