For FHC 100 in 1 Day is the perfect way to Celebrate the Common. To remind Haligonians of the Halifax Common’s real size the Friends have marked the perimeter by hanging approximately fifty small flags silk-screened with “Halifax Common” and an outline of its shape. And as well the group has marked the four corners of the Halifax Common by planting small garden boxes and installing painted signs.
“The flags around the perimeter and four common corner gardens at South/Robie, South/South Park, Cunard/Robie, and Cunard/North Park are to help remind us when we are entering or leaving the 240 acre Halifax Common,” said participant Jyelle Vogel. “Everyone will be surprized at how large our Halifax Common is,” said Vogel.
“Halifax isn’t just giving away the common green space, its now privatizing the blue space on and around the perimeter by permitting developers to build out of scale high-rises so they can sell the luxury view to their paying clients,” says Peggy Cameron, Friends of Halifax Common, Co-chair. “This changes the experience of being on the Halifax Common by blocking the view, the access to light and warmth and increasing the winds and shadow,” said Cameron.
To help make another common space, more enjoyable, for the third year, Friends of Halifax Common swept and scrubbed the bus shelter at Robie & Charles, and added some “Enjoy the Wait” comforts – sit down, smell the flowers and take some time to think about caring for public open space.
The 100in1Days Festival is a growing global movement and is changing how people interact with their common space. Since its beginning in Bogotá, Colombia in 2012, hundreds of small-scale, low-cost community-based projects around the world have shown ideas for positive change to improve the quality of life and public space.
Special thanks to Wanda, Chelsea, Tristan, Avalon, Jyelle, Kelly and our friends at Wunderneath. We had a lot of fun.
See more pictures here…